Winter Open Day: Open Door Bird Sanctuary
March 15 @ 11:00 am - 4:00 pm

On Saturday March 15, from 11-4pm come an enjoy the serenity of Open Door Bird Sanctuary during their 6th annual “Winter Open Days”. Stop in anytime during that timeframe and enjoy our trails for a snowshoe, cross-country ski (bring your own equipment) or hiking excursion. We have just about 2 miles between all 3 trails, all fairly level and traversing various landscapes. The trails are not typically open to the public outside of sanctuary hours, so this is a great chance to not only explore a new spot, but also to visit our amazing raptor residents! It’s still wintry and beautiful even if there isn’t a lot of snow! Our raptors love the winter and you will too when you get to enjoy our natural beauty and birds. This is the only time of year where we have a bonfire going so c’mon out.
Warm beverages, cool artifacts and all things ODBS fill the Nature Center.
Adults $10 Age 5-12 $7 Under 5 Free